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Hey everyone!

I've got a problem with my driveshaft vibrating at high speeds, and it's causing a lot of frustration. Has anyone had this problem before?

How can I resolve this?

Remove it and take it to a balancing machine. It seems more reliable but involves a lot of hassle and costs more. I've read about balancing it without removing it. They do it on a lift without removing the shaft using some equipment.

Has anyone encountered a problem like this? How did you solve the driveshaft vibration problem, which method did you choose, and why?
I want to buy a portable balancer Balanset-1A, like this for <a href=https://www.ebay.com/itm/395459584162>Fan Balancing</a> In this store https://www.ebay.com/itm/395385897473

Do you have any tips or advice to offer? Any advice and recommendations would be very helpful!

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